Halakhic Prenuptial Agreement | Center for Women's Justice
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The CWJ Agreement for a Just and Fair Marriage

a Halakhic Prenuptial Agreement

Wartime protection for married couples


What is the CWJ Agreement for a Just and Fair Marriage?

The CWJ prenup is an agreement meant for Jewish couples who marry in accordance with halakha.

It addresses the halakhic challenges of both get refusal (when a spouse is unwilling to grant a get) and aginut (when a spouse is unable to grant a get).

Suitable for those marrying through the Israeli Rabbinate, as well as for those marrying in private halakhic ceremonies

Just sign and send!

No need to sign in front of a notary & no need to appear in court

It's mutual,

for couples who truly respect each other

Includes both a civil agreement, as well as a halakhic bill

For peace of mind

when you marry

Rabbinic Approval

"I have done a close reading of CWJ's Agreement for a Just and Fair Marriage, as well as the halakhic addendum -"the shtar " - and I am persuaded that these documents are halakhically sound and applicable, and are appropriate for our time."

Rabbi Daniel Sperber


So how do you sign CWJ's Agreement? It's simple.

Download and print the agreement


(according to the instructions here)

Take a picture and  upload to the site

Testimonials from couples who have signed the Agreement for a Just & Fair Marriage


Jonathan Howard and Lior Shapira

The signing of the Agreement was clearly an item on our wedding checklist. As much as the  wedding hall. Divorce can be painful, cruel and dirty, and it is not always possible to know how the other side will respond if the  marriage unravels. We were glad to be able to ameliorate a painful processes while we're still happy, in love, and want the best for each other. Hopefully, we'll never need  to use it.

שאלות ותשובות
להעלאת שטר חתום
איך חותמים

What makes the Agreement for a Just & Fair Marriage the most comprehensive halakhic prenuptial agreement?

(click to enlarge)

Still have questions?

contact us on Facebook and we will get back to you shortly



Pledge of Compassion and Dignity

For married couples during wartime

This halachic bill authorizes an agent ("shaliach") to write and deliver a get in the event a married man is unable to do so himself—if he is, God forbid, taken captive in war, is in a coma or has suffered irreparable cognitive impairment.

Every married man should sign such a document before going out to war. It could potentially prevent his wife from spending the rest of her life as an agunah, God forbid. 

This halachic document was crafted under the guidance of halachic authorities and is to be signed in the presence of two kosher witnesses.


Contact us for more information

Thanks! We will contact you shortly.

Married couples can sign CWJ’s postnuptial agreement!

Click here

Email: cwj@cwj.org.il 

Phone: 02-5664390| Fax: 02-5663317

Mail: The Center for Women's Justice, Emek Refaim 43, 9314102, Jerusalem

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This site was set up with the generous support of the Hadassah Women's Fund and the Genesis Prize Foundation

The Center for Women's Justice is a non-profit organization whose activities are made possible thanks to donations

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